PLANNING MY WRITING MONTH | My monthly, weekly & daily planning method for March

PLANNING MY WRITING MONTH | My monthly, weekly & daily planning method for March

During the month of February I used my bullet journal to devise a new planning system for my writing and creative projects. It’s a simple system and involves drawing lots of rectangles and colouring them in (so meditative!) but it has worked really well for me. During February I fulfilled two out of my four projects, made an important ‘about turn’ on another and did three quarters of the final project. That’s not bad going when you consider February included half-term and a small illness.

So now it’s time to prepare for March. I’ve learned lessons from February and also added in a new project so reduced another one to compensate. I am becoming aware of my limits and don’t want to work and work and burn myself out.

In the video below I show how I break down my month into projects, then break it down into a weekly plan and finally into a smaller daily plan.

I talk about my new newsletter in this video as it is one of my new projects. If you’re interested in receiving it you can sign up on my Journal Notes page.

PLANNING MY WRITING MONTH | My monthly, weekly & daily planning method for March