My Notebook & Journal Collection

my notebook and journal collection

Writing in my notebooks is one of my favourite things to do. So I thought I'd flip through my notebooks and journals and share bits of my life story from the last thirteen years.

My journals are becoming increasingly important to me. I find they help so much to stop the swirling thoughts of anxiety in my head or they’ll help with clarity around my online writing business. I call them ‘medicinal’ in the video and I genuinely think they are.

What you’ll see in my collection of notebooks is that there are short story ideas, ideas for my novel, blog post ideas in and amongst a hastily scribbled phone number, a quote for some home improvements, a shopping lists…and at the time I would curse myself for making my notebooks less pretty but now I see it adds to the fabric of my life story.

I love beautifully crafted notebooks that you see on Instagram and YouTube. Unfortunately I’m not blessed with that neatness, that arty streak…but that doesn’t mean my notebooks are less just because they’re not pretty. They’re a treasure trove of memories and they’ve give me great joy as I looked through them this morning.

my notebook and journal collection