My Writing

Writing 'The End'


Two years ago, almost exactly (oh my goodness where has that time gone?!) I emailed my agent, after being rejected by publishers with my non-fiction proposal, and suggested I turn the idea into a novel. Since that email I've written a really dark and wrong first chapter, been on a writing weekend with Julie Cohen and Rowen Coleman where I had a lightbulb moment (thanks, Julie!), gone onto a writing retreat with Kat Black, Katy Collins, Rachael Lucas, Holly Martin, Emily Kerr, and Cesca Major where I wrote thousands of words (I believe I wrote the most of anyone there, not that it was a competition or anything...)

Then I've written lots more. Then had self doubts. Then got over myself. Had more self doubts. Got over myself. Had more...You get the idea.

I sat down today, this morning, with the intention of writing The End. Even if the end chapters were not fully flushed out. I had a fear of reaching the end as a) I didn't know how it was going to end and b) that means I'm that much closer to sending it out to publishers. Which, you know, *scared*.

But I sat down. I gave myself permission to not get it perfect. And you know what? It worked. Two chapters before The End I had an idea. An idea that would affect the structure of the entire book. An idea that makes me happy. It feels like a piece of the puzzle had fitted into place.

Before I could start thinking about it too much, however, I made a note, and continued in my quest to reach The End.

And I made it. Two years, it took me. And yes, if I didn't have The Fear it'd probably have taken me half that time.

But, I got there in The End.



Yes, I am a writer


I was talking to someone I vaguely knew today. "You're a writer, aren't you?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied, beaming. "Yes, I am."

And I didn't think anything of it.

A few years ago I might have said, "Well, yes, sort of. I try. I do write. Or try to. Of course, it might not be any good..."

And a few years before that I'd have said...well, I wouldn't have said anything because she wouldn't have asked the question because I wouldn't have mentioned it before.

I've been writing for thirteen years. I started when I was pregnant. A first few chapters of a novel. I've still got it in my files somewhere. It's about a woman who became pregnant in the run up to her wedding with all the comedy chaos and sickness that ensues. This may have been based on first person experiences.

Okay, it was pretty much, bar name changes, an autobiography. Needless to say this writing will never see the light of day.

After I had my first baby things were difficult. I didn't realise I had depression and post traumatic stress from the birth. I just thought I was a crap mum. This meant I found it difficult being with my son all the time. So would escape into our small dining room to write. The few chapters I had written whilst pregnant evolved into something else. A story about a young mum who had depression. As before, it was pretty much autobiographical.

I kept writing the same three chapters over and over. Trying to get them perfect. Changing names of characters. But I was in a continuous loop: chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, then back to the beginning and start again. I didn't realise at the time how much this process was actually mirroring my life. I was in a cycle. A depressive cycle. And I didn't know how to break it.

Until I read a novel. This novel changed my life.

But it wasn't the subject matter of the novel. It was the author who had written it. Kate Harrison, her name is. And when I searched out her name online, ten years or so ago, when the internet and blogging were in their infancy, I found she had a blog. And she was racing other writers to finish the first draft of their current novel.

She was asking for people to join. I read it with a mixture of fear and anxiety. Because I knew I was going to make myself do it. I knew I was going to make myself email Kate, who replied all lovely and then suggested I set up my own blog so we could compare word counts (this was pre-twitter and facebook). And I knew I would set up my own blog too, even though I was incredibly private and had no wish for people I didn't know, or worse, did know, to read about what I was up to. But I did it. I started a blog. And called it Redders' Ramblings.

I am a writer.

And this was the push I needed to get past that loop of those first three chapters. Seven or eight months later I had a completed first draft. I had written those two magic words: The End. It also, eventually, meant I could write The End on the postnatally depressed period of my life, too.

Ten years later and I'm still here. The blog is more sophisticated. I have learned about photography. I know a lot about social media. I've been paid to write content online. A literary agent sought me out. I've written a cookery book proposal. And been rejected - but in a lovely and positive way - by publishers. And I have almost finished my novel. A novel that was born out of that first draft ten years ago but with a different main character and different circumstances so it is no longer autobiographical but is based on issues I've experienced. There's just 8000 words or so to go. Then there will be an edit before I email it to my agent. (My agent. That will never get old.)

So in thirteen years of writing, of attending an evening creative writing class, of taking part in an online journalism course and a course about how to pitch to magazines, of being published in a writing magazine and being paid to write online, I am now a blogger and photographer, a food stylist, and an iPhoneographer.

And, yes, I am a writer.

Being Brave


Comparison-itis is a dangerous disease to develop. Whether it is the keeping up with the Joneses type or the online, she's got more followers than me type, it can squash you. Stifle. Mess with your mind. But there is another, more positive, side. It can also inspire you.

You have a choice. Let it bring you down. Or let it make you up your game. I'm choosing the latter.

I see wonderful writers, bloggers, photographers. Making the most of all the opportunities afforded them in this new, online, world. I see them celebrate traditional book deals (some with similar ideas to mine - gah!) or write articles for magazines. To successfully generate a revenue stream from their writing and photography. From something they love doing.

So. I'm not going to weep in a corner wailing that someone has stolen* my book idea.

I'm upping my game.

Do you know how long I've wanted to get to this point in my writing career? To be writing a novel. To have a literary agent. (I still pinch myself about that a few years later). To have a blog where I can write about the things I love and have people other than my mum and mother-in-law read it.

Well, let me see. *counts on fingers*. I first started blogging in 2006. So that's ten years. TEN. And ok, yes, the blogging landscape was slightly different back then. And I have, in the meantime, written a proposal for a recipe book. And nearly finished my novel. And written for other websites. Oh, and had a second child. And moved to the countryside. And changed our lifestyle. And became a keeper of chickens.

But I never really went for it. Particularly with my blog. I wouldn't put myself out there. I wouldn't comment on other people's blogs or join in twitter chats and facebook groups, allowing that trail of breadcrumbs to lead back to my blog. But then I changed my blog name. And something changed in me.

I'm not beating myself up. Sometimes these things happen when you're ready. And I haven't been ready. Yes, there is a massive worry that I'll fall flat on my face with both my novel and this blog. But I also have a major fear of success. This fear allows me to procrastinate. It allows me to get bogged down with other projects (hello Annie Sloan furniture painting and chicken-keeping courses). And it makes me avoid sitting at my desk and avoiding that blank page.

After all, who would want to listen to my voice? Who else would be interested in the content I create? Who says I can write, anyway?

In the last few months I've read lots of blogs, seen lots of tweets and listened to podcasts. Many of which touch on the topic of The Fear and facing that fear. Inspiration is all around us.

Just yesterday I listened to author Miranda Dickinson's vlog where she says this year she wants to 'try stuff [with her writing]. Just have a go." And, as her music announced the end of the vlog I was already making notes for this blog post. I, too, want to try stuff. Why not? I've nothing to lose.

Yesterday, I also listened to a podcast by Jen Carrington. (Podcasts are great for when you're washing up.) I've just discovered Jen so have a lot of catching up to do. Again, she gave me food for thought. About not just being an echo of other people but being a voice.

Jen also said if she read a blog she wanted to see a picture of who was writing it. To get that connection. I've never put my picture on my blog. But, as soon as I heard that, I opened my laptop and immediately found a semi-decent photograph (I don't have many) that I could use. It is now on my About page. Now that is me being very brave.

Sarah Painter's The Worried Writer podcast is brilliant. This month Sarah talks to Mel Sherratt who mentions that fear.

Lizzy Kremer, a literary agent, also writes this week that Anything is Possible: Writing Without Fear.

Do you feel the fear when it comes to writing or in your creative career? Have you managed to push through? Any links you recommend? I'd love to hear.

*They haven't really stolen it. It just feels like it.

Feeling the Writing Fear and Making Marmalade


Before moving to the countryside I often had The Fear. Fear of trying new things. Stretching my skills. I've talked about this before when I wrote about my joy of trees. This fear can be paralysing. And it has played an enormous part in almost ten years of writing. When I first joined an online writing group many years ago, when the internet was a much quieter place and wifi didn't really exist, a lovely writer friend talked about having the devil on your shoulder when writing. This devil would whisper in your ear that everything you are typing or scratching out with a pen is absolute rubbish, that it would come to nothing and that you were just a talentless fool. Dripping poison into your ear, watching your confidence grow weaker and weaker and taking great joy in it. He feasted on it.

This devil is still floating around now. And he still tries hard. But I feel his weakness. I am getting better and better at turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to his antics. What has helped me do this, I think, is trying different things outside of writing. Just simple things. Yes, like the aforementioned planting trees. But also learning to mow a lawn, filling it with petrol, mowing the field with the tractor. Planting wildflowers, buying and looking after chickens, making damson jam with my own fruit picked from my own tree which I planted. And making marmalade.

Despite not liking marmalade myself I've always wanted to have a go. My husband adores it but I never thought for one minute I could make some. I thought you'd need specialist equipment for a start and a thermometer. Turns out all I needed was a large pan and a saucer in the fridge to check the setting point. Plus a recipe. So when I found this recipe in January's Simple Things Magazine I bought some oranges.

And you know what, I made it. Husband loved it. I've ticked yet another item off my Things I Didn't Think I Could Do List.

Now it's time to give that confidence zapping writing devil a good kicking.