How I can help with your Instagram

Instagram has been an integral part of my creativity for a number of years. I’ve learned to create Instagram Stories, to create a cohesive look and feel to my feed, to create videos for IGTV and to grow a lovely community around my Instagram account. If you’d like fresh eyes on your own account with some useful tips to make it more appealing then read on.

For me Instagram is not all about growth and gaining as many followers as you can. In the past few years the fashion was to gain lots of followers and monetise your account by taking on sponsored posts. I’m not opposed to that at all but I do think Instagram, for writers and creatives, can be so much more.

Instagram has helped me find my writing voice, push me creatively and encouraged me to discover new skills. It has helped me grow my business, find readers, patrons and subscribers for my newsletter. I’ve learned more about how to communicate from working with Instagram than any other platform.

So, how can I help you?  

I offer an Instagram audit service where I take a look at your feed (and/or your Instagram Stories) and how it’s doing in relation to your goals. I’ll then give you specific advice on what you can work on in order to get closer to your goals.

After you’ve booked an audit I’ll send you a questionnaire to clarify your goals and ambitions for Instagram. Once you’ve filled that in I’ll take a look at your feed and send you detailed ideas and action points on how you can take your Instagram forward to the next level.

Any questions drop me an email. Or book below. If you need help that dives much deeper then take a look at my mentoring services.

Helen Redfern Instagram Audit
Helen Redfern Instagram Audit