Why I'm creating a YouTube Channel

Why I'm creating a YouTube Channel

YouTube has been a platform I’ve wanted to do for ages. In fact, I’ve already got some videos uploaded on there. But I’ve never had the courage to really go for it. I love filming. I love the creativity of editing where you try and find the story amongst the hours of footage you’ve recorded. It is something that both intrigues me but also scares the hell out of me. The perfect combination.

This is a post about why I’m branching out to YouTube plus includes an introductory video!

Can you push through self-doubt? Two women who did just that.

Can you push through self-doubt? Two women who did just that.

When I wrote in my newsletter about being scared of pressing ‘go’ on my creative projects sending them live onto the internet I received messages from people who were on the verge of doing just that, or had done that too, and had come through the other side.

Here are two women’s stories of pushing through the fear and self-doubt and pursuing their creative dreams…